What's Inside the Bottle?

REAL MAPLE - The Natural Nutritious Choice

Photo Courtesy of University of Rhode Island - Navindra Seeram, PhD

Pure Vermont Maple Syrup is a truly amazing cocktail of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and so much more...  We are just starting to scratch the surface as an industry on what maple has for additional benefits, but one thing is for sure, It is a one of a kind sweetener.  

This all natural product gets its chemistry from the process we go through to produce Pure Maple Syrup.  We sustainably tap our hillsides of wild maple trees each year (some have been tapped for over 100 years now), and collect an extremely small amount of the trees sap (less than 2%) that is traveling from the roots to the buds and back.  The sap has the sugar we seek, but it also has many other minerals and plant based nutrients.  During our process of concentrating the maple sap (about 33 times) we also concentrate the nutrients with the sugar.  It becomes truly special because during the boiling process used to do this, we caramelize the sugars to create the delicious maple flavor, and Golden to Amber color, but this process is also allowing these plant based nutrients and minerals to transform and make Real Maple the world's best all natural sweetener.

Check out this chart below from the International Maple Syrup Institute packet on Additional benefits of Pure Maple.  See the whole thing at http://www.internationalmaplesyrupinstitute.com/downloadable-resources.html