What is Your Favorite Grade of Gillilan Family Maple, Pure Vermont Maple Syrup?

Grading our Pure Maple Syrup is So Much More Than Color

All of the Pure Vermont Maple Syrup we sell at Gillilan Family Maple has to meet strict criteria before it ends up in your bottle. In order to meet our standards it has to be assessed using four criteria. Everyone of our customers knows about the flavor they are looking for, but it is so much more than color and flavor that makes it the best Vermont Maple Syrup available.

First, while the syrup is hot and before the syrup is filtered and prepared for the bottling process we must check to make sure it is the proper density. The density of syrup is the “thickness” that helps it hang on your tounge and delight your taste buds for an extra moment as you enjoy the maple flavor. All syrup, regardless of color is processed to the same density, and at Gillilan Family Maple we try to be perfectionists. One of the keys to winning contests historically is that we go just slightly thicker than the legal minimum standard of 66.9 Brix in Vermont. Sure, we lose a little volume as we evaporate it a little longer, but that helps to bring out the award-winning flavor and allows you to savor it just a bit longer than other maple syrup.

Next the syrup is graded for color. We use a color comparator that allows us to view a sample of our syrup against the legal standards of the four Grade A color standards. It has to be lighter than the legal standard to pass. Several factors in processing will impact the color of the maple syrup and it will change each day in the spring as we produce it. The color is created through the carmelization of the sugars during the boiling process.
• Grade A Golden Color, Delicate Taste (Also referred to as Vermont Fancy)– this is a local delicacy amongst the traditional sugar makers, because everything has to be perfect to make really good Golden Delicate Maple Syrup. The light yellow to golden color has to have a light transmitancy of 75-100%.
• Grade A Amber Color, Rich Taste (previously Vermont Medium Amber)- this is our most popular grade of maple syrup thanks to its versatility in all applications. It offers that mid-Amber/Brown color with a light transmitancy of 50-75%
• Grade A Dark Color, Robust Taste (previously Vermont Dark Amber)- this is the most prevelant grade of maple syrup in the United States. It has a Dark-Brown/Amber color that has a light transmitancy of 25-50%
• Grade A Very Dark Color, Strong Taste (previously Vermont Grade B)- this is only available in Gallon containers and is highly recommended for cooking, or other ingredient applications. The Dark Brown, almost black color has a light transmitancy of 0-25%

While we are analyzing the color of the syrup, we are also making sure that it has been properly filtered. During the natural process of producing maple syrup, other minerals and solids come out of the sap and are suspended in the syrup. We use a pressurized filter to ensure that every drop of our Vermont Maple Syrup is crystal clear and looks beautiful in glass containers. (Note – If you heat syrup above 170*F you may see new particles appear, don’t wory they are not going to have a negative impact on the flavor or use of the maple syrup)

Last, and most important, we scrutinize the most important grading characteristic, the flavor of our Real Vermont Maple Syrup. This is where we work to set ourselves apart, and the major reason we win contests around the industry. The flavor is tied to the four color grades, and each color has its unique characteristics:
• Grade A Golden Color, Delicate Taste (Vermont Fancy) – As the name implies this syrup has the most delicate maple flavor, with subtle carmel and vanilla type notes in the maple flavor. It’s not strong, but it is a very smooth flavor that delights the taste buds as it easily slides through leaving its mild maple flavor. The Smooth and delicate maple flavor makes it great for desert topings, as a table syrup, or in any application where you do not want the maple to overpower other flavors. Golden Delicate Maple Syrup is our choice for the production of our delicious Maple Cream, and other Maple Confections.
• Grade A Amber Color, Rich Taste (Vermont Medium Amber) – The rich maple flavor is properly named as this well balanced maple syrup has the smoothness to make it great in all applications, but a medium strength maple flavor that doesn’t overpower. Its versatility is unmatched, standing alone on the table for pancakes or waffles, great mixed in while cooking some scrambled eggs, as an unbelievable addition to a bowl of ice cream, or a sweet addition in baking or cooking.
• Grade A Dark Color, Robust Taste (Vermont Dark Amber) – Here is where die hard maple lovers go for the delicious fix they crave. Functional as a table syrup for those looking for the strong maple flavor. The pronounced maple flavor also makes an unbelievable addition to recipes as a healthier alternative to White or Brown Sugar. It is also excellent in marinades for summer time grilling, or mixed into iced tea, lemonade, or cocktails. A Gillilan Family favorite is a shot of maple syrup in your morning coffee or tea.
• Grade A Very Dark, Strong Taste (Grade B) – Baking, Cooking, Making Beer, or any other application where you need the maple flavor, and sugar from Pure Maple Syrup, this is the grade for you. For some the maple flavor can be overpowering, but that is exactly what is needed as a flavoring agent. We only offer this in Gallon Jugs, but that’s because once you use it in one of your favorite recipes, you will find yourself substituting it into all your favorite recipes.